Ephemeroptera Galactica

Conference scholarships

Applications are invited from research students, early career scientists and those lacking institutional funding for travel scholarships provided by the Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera and the International Society of Plecopterologists. The scholarships are for attending the Joint XIVth International Conference on Ephemeroptera and XVIIIth International Symposium on Plecoptera in Scotland in 2015, and are intended to defray some of the travel expenses. A contribution towards the cost of accommodation and the conference fee may also be considered.

Applications should contain:

Selection of awards will be based on:

Applications for mayfly scholarships should be sent by e-mail to Professor Javier Alba-Tercedor, University of Granada. jalba@ugr.es

Applications for stonefly scholarship should be sent by e-mail to Professor John E. Brittain, University of Oslo, Norway. j.e.brittain@nhm.uio.no

If research covers both orders, send applications to both e-mail addresses. However, it should be stated that applications have been submitted to both committees.

The deadline for scholarships is 30 November 2023.

Page contents last modified on 12 September 2014

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