Ephemeroptera Galactica

Eighth International Conference on Ephemeroptera
August 1995

Proceedings published as:

Landolt P; Sartori M. 1997. Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Biology-Ecology-Systematics. Mauron + Tinguely & Lachat, SA. Fribourg.


Table of Contents . pp. v-viii

Preface ix

Appreciation from the Editors . XI


Sinichenkova ND. In memory of Olga Alexandrovna Tshernova (1901-1995). pp. 3-6.

Sartori M. Obituary to Jacques Aubert (1916-1995). pp. 7-11.


Landolt P; Sartori M; Studemann D. Palingenia longicauda (Ephemeroptera, Palingeniidae): from mating to the larvulae stage. pp. 15-20.

Kishimoto T. Comparison of embryonic development among some arctoperlarian species. pp. 21-25.

Watanabe NC; Aoe K. Change in the effect of temperature on egg hatching of Potamanthus formosus during a long emergence period (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). pp. 26-29.

Brittain JE. Egg development in Thaumatoperla, an endangered stonefly genus, endemic to the Australian Alps (Plecoptera: Eustheniidae). pp. 30-33.

Frutiger A; Imhof A. Life cycle of Dinocras cephalotes and Perla grandis (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in different temperature regimes. pp. 34-43.

Sherk T; Rau G. Emergence of Ephemeroptera from Findley Lake in the coniferous forest of the Cascade Mountains, USA. pp. 44-51.

Hayashi Y; Isobe Y; Oishi T. Diel periodicity of emergence of Sweltsa sp. (Plecoptera; Chloroperlidae). pp. 52-59.

Riańo P; Basaguren A; Pozo J. Diet variations of Ephemerella ignita (Poda) (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) in relation to the development stage. pp. 60-64.

Tiunova TM. Growth of rheophilic mayfly larvae (Ephemeroptera). pp. 65-72.

Teslenko VA. Feeding habits of the predaceous stoneflies in a salmon stream of the Russian Far East. pp. 73-78.

Riańo P; Basaguren A; Pozo J. The life history and food habits of Siphonoperla torrentium (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) in Northern Spain. pp. 79-82.

Glazaczow A. Observations on the psammophilous mayfly species Procloeon nanum in the North East of Poland. pp. 83-87.

Abbott JC; Stewart KW. Drumming of three Mesocapnia species (Capniidae) and Soliperla thyra (Peltoperlidae) from California, USA. pp. 88-92.

Rupprecht R. An attempt to explain different drumming signals within Capnia bifrons. pp. 93-98.

Hanada S; Isobe Y; Oishi T. Emergence sites as mate-encounter locations in Microperla brevicauda Kawai (Plecoptera, Peltoperlidae). pp. 99-106.

Alexander KD; Stewart KW. Further considerations of mate searching behaviour and communication in adult stoneflies (Plecoptera); first report of tremulation in Suwallia (Chloroperlidae). pp. 107-112.

Gillies MT. Gill mobility in the Baetidae (Ephemeroptera): results of a short study in Africa. pp. 113-116.

McLellan I. Austroperla cyrene an adaptable and unpalatable New Zealand stonefly. pp. 117-118.


Jacob U. Composition and zoogeographical characteristics of the Fennoscandian mayfly fauna. pp. 121-126.

Burian SK. An analysis of the distribution and diversity of Ephemeroptera of Maine, USA. pp. 127-138.

Vidinova Y; Russev B Distribution and ecology of the representatives of some Ephemeropteran families in Bulgaria. pp. 139-146.

Zabric D; Sartori M. First contribution to the mayfly fauna from Slovenia (Ephemeroptera). pp. 147-151.

Schmidt-Kloiber A. Ephemeroptera of an artificial Danube backwater irrigation system in Austria. pp. 152-156.

Jazdzewska T. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the sandy bottom of the River Grabia (Central Poland). pp. 157-166.

Marten M. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the River Danube in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). pp. 167-174.

Wise EJ; O'Connor JP. Observations on the distribution and relative abundance of the Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Killarney Valley, Co. Kerry, Ireland. pp. 175-179.

Froehlich CG; Oliveira LG. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera nymphs from riffles in low-order streams in southeastern Brazil. pp. 180-185.

Zhiltzova LA. Zoogeographic features of the Euholognatha fauna (Plecoptera) of Russia and adjacent territories (within the limits of the former USSR). pp. 186-192.

Teslenko VA; Minakawa N; Kraft GF; Gara RI. Stoneflies of the Southern Kuril Islands. pp. 193-198.

Krno I. Production and distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Slovakia. pp. 199-204.

Graf W. A new record of the perlid stonefly Agnetina elegantula (Klapálek, 1905) in Europe. pp. 205-208.


Statzner B. Complexity of theoretical concepts in ecology and predictive power: patterns observed in stream organisms . pp. 211-218.

Landa V; Zahrádkova S; Soldán T; Helesic J. The Morava and Elbe river basins, Czech Republic: a comparison of long-term changes in mayfly (Ephemeroptera) biodiversity. pp. 219-226.

Usseglio-Polatera P. Long-term changes in the Ephemeroptera of the River Rhone at Lyon, France, assessed using a fuzzy coding approach. pp. 227-234.

Buffagni A. Mayfly community composition and the biological quality of streams. pp. 235-246.

Timm H. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera larvae as environmental indicators in running waters of Estonia. pp. 247-253.

Moog O; Bauernfeind E; Weichselbaumer P. The use of Ephemeroptera as saprobic indicators in Austria. pp. 254-260.

Zúńiga De Cardoso MC; Rojas De Hernández AM; Mosquera De Aguilar S. Biological aspects of Ephemeroptera in rivers of Southwestern Colombia (South America). pp. 261-268.

Novikova EA; Kluge NJu. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Western Siberian lowland and oil pollution. pp. 269-274.

Mathooko JM. The influence of physical disturbance on recolonization patterns of a mayfly community in a tropical mountain stream. pp. 275-281.

Klonowska-Olejnik M. Ephemeroptera of the River Dunajec near Czorsztyn dam (Southern Poland). pp. 282-287.

Landa V; Helesic J; Soldán T; Zahrádkova S. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the River Vltava, Czech Republic: a century of extinction. pp. 288-295.

Küry D. Changes in the Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera populations of a Swiss Jura stream (Röserenbach) between 1935 and 1990. pp. 296-301.

Ribaut J-P. Protection of endangered species. pp. 302-308.


Elpers C. Comparative morphology of the mandibles of seven genera of Ephemeroidea (Ephemeroptera). pp. 311-316.

Gaino E; Rebora M. Antennal cuticular sensilla in some mayflies (Ephemeroptera). pp. 317-325.

Fink TJ; Andrikovics S. The presumed role of wing sensory structures in the unique mating behavior of the endangered European mayflies Palingenia longicauda (Olivier) and Palingenia fuliginosa (Georgi) (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). pp. 326-331.

Gaino E; Rebora M; Taddei AR; Mazzini M. Ultrastructural aspects of the alimentary canal in some mayflies. pp. 332-337.

Kapoor NN. A scanning electron microscopic study of the cuticular lining of the gut of a stonefly nymph, Paragnetina media (Walker) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp. 338-342.

Rosciszewska E. Morphology of the larval ovary of stonefly Perla marginata (Panzer) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp. 343-348.

Isobe Y. Anchors of stonefly eggs. pp. 349-361.

Studemann D; Landolt P. Eggs of Ephemerellidae (Ephemeroptera). pp. 362-371.

Klonowska-Olejnik M. The use of egg morphology in the taxonomy of some species of the genus Rhithrogena (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). pp. 372-381.

Favrel C. Effect of freshwater acidification on the ionic regulation of Dinocras cephalotes (Plecoptera; Perlidae). pp. 382-388.

Ruffieux L; Sartori M; l'Eplattenier G. Number of instars in mayfly larvae: a Palmen body method applied to Siphlonurus aestivalis (Siphlonuridae). pp. 389-394.

Pescador ML; Hubbard MD; Rasmussen AK; Jones J; Leong S. Influence of sampling methods of determination of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species richness in a coastal plain stream. pp. 395-401.


Bae YJ. A historical review of Ephemeroptera systematics in Northeast Asia. pp. 405-417.

Bauernfeind E. Discriminating characters in Central European species of Ecdyonurus Eaton. pp. 418-426.

Belfiore C. Taxonomic characters and discrimination of species in the genus Electrogena Zurwerra & Tomka, 1985. pp. 427-433.

Buffagni A. Taxonomic and faunistic notes on the Caenis pseudorivulorum-group (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae). pp. 434-438.

Elouard J-M; Sartori M. Proboscidoplocia, a singular plural (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae: Euthyplociinae). pp. 439-448.

Peters WL. A redescription of the imago of Castanophlebia Barnard, 1932 from South Africa (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). pp. 449-454.

Gonser T; Spies M. Southern Hemisphere Symbiocladius (Diptera, Chironomidae) and their mayfly hosts (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). pp. 455-466.

Harper PP; Harper F. The genus Leuctra Stephens in North America: a preliminary report. pp. 467-472.

Sivec I. Helenoperla malickyi, a new genus of European Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Greece. pp. 473-475.

Fochetti R; Cobolli M; de Matthaeis E; Oliverio M. Allozyme variation in the genus Isoperla (Plecoptera, Perlodidae) from Mediterranean islands, with remarks on genetic data on stoneflies. pp. 476-483.

Alexander KD; Stewart KW. The importance of aedeagal characters in species delineation and revision of the stonefly tribe Suwalliini Surdick (Chloroperlidae). pp. 484-488.

Zwick P. Rauserella, a new genus of Plecoptera (Perlodidae), with notes on related genera. pp. 489-496.


Willmann R. Phylogeny and the consequences of phylogenetic systematics. pp. 499-510.

Soldán T. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera): one of the earliest insect groups known to man. pp. 511-513.

Soldán T. The Ephemeroptera: whose sister-group are they? pp. 514-519.

Kluge NJu. A paradoxical problem in the phylogeny of Furcatergalia (Ephemeroptera). pp. 520-526.

Kluge NJu. Classification and phylogeny of the Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) with description of the new species from the Upper Cretaceous resins of Taimyr. pp. 527-535.

Staniczek AH. The morphology of Siphlaenigma janae Penniket (Ephemeroptera, Siphlaenigmatidae), and its significance for the ground plan of the Baetoidea. pp. 536-549.

Malzacher P. Relationships in the Caenidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). pp. 550-553.

Studemann D; Landolt P. A phylogenetic system for the European species of Siphlonurus (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae). pp. 554-560.

Sinichenkova ND. Paleontology of stoneflies. pp. 561-565.

INDEX. pp. 567-569.

Page contents last modified on 21 October 2007

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